MonGustaveRoussy is a medical supervision app proposed to patients who are undergoing treatment at Gustave Roussy. It provides a supervision plan and a privileged link with the centre while offering an opportunity for the secure exchange of administrative and medical information from your home.
Specialists may ask you to carry out several on-line actions from your home:
If you are using a computer: the web version of the application is compatible with every browser.
If you are using a smartphone: the MonGustaveRoussy mobile phone app is also available free of charge:
Gustave Roussy we’ll have created an account for you: You will be sent a login by email and SMS to the email address and mobile phone number that you supplied to Gustave Roussy.
The SMS sent to you will also contain the activation code, valid for 72 hours.
If you forget your login, you can ask contact Gustave Roussy to supply it, at the following address:
If you have received an e-mail with your login information: click on the “Activate my account” button (J’active mon compte) included in the e-mail. The link will direct you automatically to the activation page. You then need to create your personal password. Once you have created your password, your account will be activated, and you can enter your personal care area.
If you have received an SMS with you login information: go to the connection page. Enter your login in the “login” (Identifiant) field, followed by your activation code in the “Password or activation code” field (Mot de passe ou code d’activation). You then need to create your personal password. Once you have created your password, your account will be activated, and you can enter your personal care area.
If you have your activation code, you can try to activate your account via the login page.
If you have already activated your account, the system will tell you so.
If you can’t remember your password, go to the connection page and click on the “password forgotten” button. The app will ask you for your login then you will be able to re-initialise your password by email or by SMS:
Mon Gustave Roussy is a secure app with data hosted by a health data host approved by the Ministry of Health.
To find out more about the steps taken to ensure the security of the data concerning you, stored on this app, feel free to contact the data protection officer at Gustave Roussy at the following address:
If you were unable to find an answer to your problem in the FAQ, You can contact support via